Friday, January 31, 2014

Capturing Raw Mousepresses Past Column 192

I have the following to capture raw mousepresses:

nno <silent> <esc>[ :call PrintCoordinates()<cr>

fun! PrintCoordinates()
let k=[getchar(0),getchar(0),getchar(0),getchar(0),getchar(0)]
ec k

I don't know if there is an easier way, like some sort of options setting to get vim to pass on the raw mouse codes? Anyways, everything up to column 192 works as expected, I get [77,35,191,59,0], say, but past 192, I only get the column value, the row value goes to 0. Ie, [77,35,193,0,0].

When actually clicking and the mouse presses register all the way up to column 223, as expected.

By the way, I have ttymouse=xterm2 and I'm using mintty and cygwin.

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