Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Re: map with empty yank

Hi Christian,

thanks for your prompt reply! It's still not clear to me whether
yanking a non-existent text object always raises an error or not.
cpoptions E seems to apply to y<motion> but it's not clearly stated
(at least, I can't find that statement) what happens with y<object>.

There is an easy workaround that I mentioned before: :norm
yi<<CR>:norm yi(<CR>. It's somewhat hackish but it's concise. It
should be noticed that :norm yi<yi( also fails. This last observation
reinforces the "y<object> always raises an error for non-matched
objects" theory.

Best regards

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Christian Brabandt <cblists@256bit.org> wrote:
> Hi Carlos!
> On Di, 28 Jan 2014, Carlos Pita wrote:
>> I would like to yank the inner contents of <...> or (...) expressions
>> in a mapping. In normal mode I can try with the two-yank sequence
>> yi<yi(. One of the yanks will be empty and the other will match the
>> desired contents. The net effect is to match the contents no matter
>> they were inside () or <>. Now if I put that in a map it seems to
>> abort when the first yank fails, so it only matches the contents for
>> <...> expressions (because yi< is the first probed yank). If I put
>> :normal yi<<CR>:normal yi( instead, the mapping works the same than
>> when I manually type it in normal mode. The E flag is not included in
>> my cpoptions.
>> Could someone clarify this behavior, please?
> That is explained (although only briefly) at :h map-error
> I am not sure, there is an easy way to achieve what you want. I think,
> something like this could work:
> fu! MapAngle()
> if searchpairpos('<', '', '>', 'bn') ==# [0,0]
> return "i("
> else
> return "i<"
> endif
> endfu
> omap <expr> i_ MapAngle()
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> "But Huey, you PROMISED!"
> "Tell 'em I lied."
> --
> --
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