Thursday, February 27, 2014

Re: problems (and bugs) with netrw

Matteo Cavalleri wrote:

another problem: let's say I do :e app/etc/local.xml and then open
netrw. I move over ../ and press <cr> to go back up one level in the
hierarchy. the cursor move on row 0. is it possibile to let it stay on
the first line of the file listings? i.e. after the netrw header. If i
disable the header with "let g:netrw_banner=0" there's one empty line on
top of the buffer, so a movement is still needed. It also happens when i
open a file with <cr>. if I open netrw again the cursor is no longer on
the file i opened, but on the first line. thanks in advance!


With v151e of netrw, I don't see a blank line at the top when
g:netrw_banner=0; I don't think the problem above is present any more.

C Campbell

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