Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Re: OCaml mode : unable to use \t (type display)

On 11:22 Tue 25 Mar , Antoine wrote:
> Hello.
> > I think it just means that either the message space, or the whole
> > screen, is cleared too fast for you to read it.
> Yes, I think you are right.
> > If you use :echomsg instead of plain :echo, Vim will remember the
> > message. It will still be cleared just as fast, but you will be able to
> > make it reappear with :messages
> Thank you for this solution, I modified the ocaml.vim file and it works. However, I consider it more as a workaround than as a solution. I suppose that this is not the "normal" behavior. I can't understand why all other messages (including error messages coming from the same ftplugin file) display normally and always stay on the screen as expected. What could cause the message space to be cleared automatically ?
> Regards,
> Antoine.


You can try to use :redraw or even :redraw! in apropriate place. See
:h redraw. You can also try setting 'lazyredraw'.


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