Excerpts from Gautier DI FOLCO's message of Sat Mar 22 19:07:51 +0000 2014:
> I really mean reactive programming: when some variables are changed
> expressions which dependent on them are recomputed.
Reactive tools I know about:
- ruby guard https://github.com/guard/guard
Thus if you "write" you can run actions
Eg it can reload files in browsers, regenerate tags and whatnot.
vim-addon-actions allows to bind actions such as "compile file" to buf
write events
Other than such "hooks" Vim is not reactive - more event based (which
can be used to achieve the same, but you know that).
> My final goal is to have an UI like Light Table
Then use Light Table
The bigger the system you're working on the less likely you want the
editor to "redo" whenever you hit some chars. It heavily depends on what
you do.
Thus to keep the story short: just because you insert a space in
coreutils source code you don't want anything to trigger rebuilding your
linux system (would take too long). Thus it does make sense to
concentrate on your task and judge yourself when its worth rebuilding
something. (That's what I found out).
neovim.org is a project by Tarruda fund by bountysource.
If you come up with a nice decsription about what you exactly mean
you can try talking to him or vim-dev mailinglist.
Until that happens think about when you want to be reactive, maybe tools
like the ones mentioned above can help you come close.
Marc Weber
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