Friday, April 25, 2014

Re: Completing functions with # in the name

Hi skeept,

what version are you using, as with my version it works as expected

:call unite# <TAB> will complete with functions that start unite# and
not at the beginning of the list as in your case.

chris@druida: ~ $ vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Mar 24 2014 19:35:25)
Included patches: 1-214
Compiled by Arch Linux



On 24 April 2014 19:31, skeept <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> is there a setting that I can use that will allow me to complete a function with # in the name?
> The current situation is as follows:
> Suppose I want to call a function called unite#custom#alias()
> If I type
> :call unite
> and hit <tab> multiple times then eventually matching completions will cycle until it matches the function I am looking for.
> But if I type
> :call unite#
> and hit <tab> the completions offered are in my case Agrep_Path AlternateFile, ... which would be the completions offered if I didn't had specified anything.
> Thanks for any hints.
> Jorge
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