Monday, April 28, 2014

Re: Completing functions with # in the name

On Apr 29, 2014 7:13 AM, "Vlad Irnov" <> wrote:
> On 4/25/14, Nikolay Pavlov <> wrote:
> > On Apr 25, 2014 11:21 AM, "Chris Allison" <>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi skeept,
> >>
> >> what version are you using, as with my version it works as expected
> >
> > Try doing
> >
> >     :set iskeyword&vim isident&vim
> > before completing (this will reset iskeyword and isident options to the
> > default for vim).
> >
> >>
> >> :call unite# <TAB> will complete with functions that start unite# and
> >> not at the beginning of the list as in your case.
> >>
> I always had this problem. I assumed it was a bug. It can be annoying
> when developing autoload functions.
> Doing
>     :set iskeyword&vim isident&vim
> does not help.

Check out what I replied to: it should not *help* it should make completion *no longer work* for a person who says it does work.

> This can be tested with any autoload plugin, such as netrw. First
> activate it with :Exp or :Sexp.
> When I do
>     :call netrw<TAB>
> I get a bunch of functions as expected, first one is netrw#ErrorMsg().
> But completion fails afer typing #. This finds nothing:
>     :call netrw#E<TAB>
> Currently using Vim 7.4.179, Windows.
> Possibly related issue on the todo list:
> If the variable "g:x#y#z" exists completion after ":echo g:x#" doesn't work.
> Best regards,
> Vlad
> --
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