Tuesday, April 1, 2014

RE: "local hlsearch"

meino wrote:
> I often use a search'n'replace on an area, which is limited by
> a previously selected visual block.
> Additional hlsearch is on by default.
> After the searech'n'replace has ended, the found places are
> marked all over the whole text.
> This is often irritating to me.
> Is there a way to limit the highlights set by hlsearch to
> those place of the visual block area?

As the other reply said, map a key to turn highlights off. See:

However, while not really helpful for what you asked, it is
possible to limit highlights to the last visually selected
block. See:

For example, consider these two searches:

The first finds all a or b or c, everywhere.

The second finds the same, but only in the last visual
selection (what would be highlighted if gv were used).


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