Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Re: Opening large files?

Ken Takata wrote:

> 2014/4/17 Thu 0:58:01 UTC+9 Adrian wrote:
> > 'm helping another user open a large, 3Gb, file. The standard windows
> > editors balk, so I recommended VIM. Unfortunately, even vim crashes
> > after scrolling some amount. For instance, he can't go straight to
> > the end of file.
> >
> > The work station is Windows 7, 64 bit, with 32Gb of RAM. Are there
> > any settings to modify to make vim more stable with large files, or is
> > there some Windows performance limitation and just out of luck?
> There is a related item in the todo.txt:
> | Win64: Seek error in swap file for a very big file (3 Gbyte). Check storing
> | pointer in long and seek offset in 64 bit var.
> I wrote some patches to fix this, but they seem to be still unstable.
> https://bitbucket.org/k_takata/vim-ktakata-mq/src/192069dac4356c186b89e0451a254599713d2309/support-largefiles-on-windows.patch?at=default
> https://bitbucket.org/k_takata/vim-ktakata-mq/src/192069dac4356c186b89e0451a254599713d2309/use-stat_T.patch?at=default

Did you make progress on this?
Can we also add some tests to verify the fix?

From "know your smileys":
:-E Has major dental problems

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