Thursday, April 17, 2014

Re: Problem with latex template


Thanks for your answer.
On 17/04/2014 17:54, Ben Fritz wrote:
> I don't really know what your "strange.tex" attachment was for, but it looks like some sort of templating plugin placeholder got inserted all over the place.

the strange.tex is the result of using my template with an empty line
above the \documentclass line. All this garbage is inserted by vim ! I
have also other templates that are truncated for almost half the file,
so it is a problem more serious than only formatting.
> For your "test.tex" file, it looks like your problem is a "stairstep" indent when you inserted a LaTeX template.

> I don't use TeX or LaTeX, but I did find a couple pages which seem to describe a similar problem with the automatic indenting of LaTeX documents.
> This one ( ) suggests:
> let g:tex_flavor='latex'
Already done.
> This one ( ) suggests:
> let g:tex_indent_brace=0

Tried but no success.

I have quite a few options in my .vimrc and tex.vim. I'll remove all of
them and reinstall them step by step. That the only thing I can think of.


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