Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Re: --remote-expr

> And how would you code it into vimscript ?

I haven't followed the discussion. Why do you want to evaluate the expression this way from vimscript anyway? If you're not interested in the result or use some callback mechanism, you could use remote_send() for feeding vim code to another instance of gvim without blocking the current instance of gvim. If you're interested in the result, you could use remote_expr(). I don't see much use in running an instance of vim from vim just to just ask another instance of vim to evaluate expression and then throw a away the result.

I guess I played around with something similar in [1]. I ended up using remote_expr() for sync/blocking calls and remote_send() for non-blocking, async calls. But maybe I misunderstood the problem.

[1] https://github.com/tomtom/likelycomplete_vim/blob/master/autoload/likelycomplete.vim

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