Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How drag (not resize) an entire split window?

Say I have three (or more) horizontal split windows -- top window T, middle M, and bottom window B. I would like to slide up (or down) entire window M. (Sliding up will shrink T and grow B.) With gvim, I know that I can achieve this using the mouse by alternatively dragging up the two status bars that enclose M. But that's slow and clumsy. Is there a way using use the mouse to slides the entire window M with one drag? For example, somehow select entire window M and then drag it. Similarly, if I had four windows, I could select the two middle windows and drag them together.

If window drag is not possible with the mouse, then I guess I'll want to have a function that drags a window by resizing it and the adjacent window. (Quicker to type a command than to (carefully) use the mouse to drag the two status bars by the same N lines.)

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