Sunday, May 25, 2014

Re: grep and quickfix

* Mark Volkmann [2014.05.25 20:44]:
> When I run this:
> :grep some-word **/*.js
> it outputs lots of matches.
> Then I run this:
> :copen
> and there is nothing in the quickfix list.
> Isn't the grep command supposed to populate that?
> Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
> I have not modified the grepprg or grepformat options.

The most likely error is that grepformat doesn't
match the output that you get. But you're not
giving us much to go on.

Can you perhaps show us what one line of output
looks like?

And while you're at it, can you show us the values
of grepprg and grepformat, just to be sure?


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