Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Re: Library/framework to manage uniformly *all* programming languages

Thanks for your answer.

2014-05-20 23:55 GMT+02:00 Xen <>:
You sound as if you want to write such an abstraction or its implementation yourself, but I rather doubt this is the case.

Correct, I'm lazy and I wanted to know if someone had this idea before me.
You also sound a bit like those people who offer a vaguely described project on some freelance site that comes down to being a request for hacking.

I think you will easily understand that "all" the programming languages is a category that doesn't exist.

Yes, I thought to "mainstream" programming languages.
Besides, even if you wanted to offer that functionality in many languages, you would not abstract the *languages* but you would abstract the specific implementation of that feature so that it can handle more than one language description -- the language descriptions themselves would not be abstracted, they would simply hook into the specific domain of functionality (for example only the variables). Now you could build an entire framework of this but the benefit quite eludes me. 

In fact I thought to code reduction.
For example, to highlight all the identifiers we have to handle the identifiers. Refactorings like inlining or extracting require handling the identifiers too, and so on.
And I don't know much about refactoring but I also doubt you'd want to do this unattended for a myriad of languages all at once - where is the pain in using a tool for each language? Each language will have specific requirements anyway.

To have one mapping, one definition of refactorings, etc.
For example, all the OOP refactorings work in OOP languages, why shall we reimplement them in each PL?
My goal is to reduce the learning time, for example, if I learn a new OOP PL, I don't want to learn new bindings, I just want to learn how to code with it and I know that OOP Principles don't change.

So I think you should at the very least explain the reasoning behind what you want to do, if you want people to be able to help you at all....?

I'd try to.
Tell me if it is clearer.

Thanks by advance for your help,

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