Monday, May 19, 2014

Re: new vim user

On 2014-05-19, Ethan Hereth wrote:
> On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Xen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > It's not like I'm really all that new to VIM but I can't say
> > I've ever used it in a decent way.
> >
> > Much of what I know is just muscle memory from a past life.


> > Anyway, if you have any tips or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

> Xen,
> Just a couple, perhaps obvious, questions/tips:
> Have you run through vimtutor? I remember the first time I walked all
> the way through that after having used Vim a lot for a few years and I
> still learned some things that I didn't know.

I would certainly second the suggestion to review vimtutor.

Then I would look at Bram's video, "7 Habits For Effective Text
Editing", It was pretty
easy to learn everything there was to know about vi. That's no
longer true with Vim--there are just so many commands now. Bram
offers some good advice for improving your effectiveness at
performing the tasks _you_ do most often.

Reading this list regularly really helps, too. I'm always learning
something new from it.

As Ethan wrote, there are a lot of good tutorials and blog articles
on the Web, too. It helps to get recommendations from experienced
users, though, since there are also a lot of articles out there from
well-meaning authors who really don't understand Vim very well.


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