Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Re: screen draw problem and EasyTags question

billy pilgrim wrote:
> I am running V7.3 (Huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI on Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS), and upon occasion when I page down, or up, there are a few lines (~2) that do not get drawn. When I move the cursor over them, they are (re)drawn, but not initially. I have never had this problem with vim before, despite a couple of decades of use. This is not a huge problem, but it is irritating. Anyone have any ideas?
Do you mean that you're getting blank lines, or perhaps no syntax
highlighting? If the latter, what filetype are you using? This latter
situation may be caused by synchronization (:help syn-sync). If the
first meaning is intended, then are you using vim or gvim? Are you using
fullscreen and a large monitor? (I'm wondering if there's a terminal
refresh issue involved).

C Campbell

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