Dear Vim experts,
I am trying to write a custom text object. I call it "f" for function
and it should match function in the functional programming language R.
My attempts are based on vim tip
vnoremap af :<C-U>silent! normal! ?\S\+\s\+<-\s\+function<CR>/^\s*}
omap af :normal Vaf<CR>
In spite of the fact that the normal \S\+\s\+<-\s\+function does go
back to a function declaration the first of the above mappings only
works until the closing }.
If for example my cursor is at the beginning of line 2 of the
following function and I press daf in normal mode
1: myFunk <- function( x ) {
2: x^2 + 3 * x^35
3: srqt(x)
4: }
only line 1 is retained.
Any ideas?
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