Saturday, June 28, 2014

Re: How to substitute text with combining characters?

On Saturday, June 28, 2014 6:21:23 PM UTC+2, wrote:
> For text `é,e` (\x65 \u0301 \x2c \x65):
> If I use `:s/\Ze/x/g`, I get `x,x`. How to get `x́,x`?
> If I use `:s/́/̂/g` (substitue \u0301 with \u0302), I get ̂`,e`. How to get `ê,e`?
> Is this a bug or not?

The first example works for me. Have you tried with a recent version of

The second example I managed to get working with this hack:

:s/.́/\=submatch(0)[0:(strlen(nr2char(char2nr(submatch(0))))-1)] . "\u0302"/g

This matches any character with an acute on it, then chops off the bytes
following the base character (that is, the combining acute), and then
concatenates the base character with the combining circumflex. I made
sure that it works for multi-byte base characters, too. But there has
got to be an easier solution.

Vim support for combining characters isn't complete. Check the todo list
at ":h todo" (be aware that todo.txt talks about "composing characters"
instead of the proper "combining characters").


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