Thursday, June 26, 2014

Re: imap Alt Space (please help <:( )

On 06/26/2014 02:03 AM, John Little wrote:
> Alt-whatever often belongs to the DE, and alt-space is used by
> windows and gnome at least; so, what OS? and desktop
> environment if linux?

In my case, I'm running Linux (Fedora 20) and KDE. While mostly
I configure KDE such that alt-space opens the window operations
menu (to match the equivalent behavior in Windows), I unmapped
this key for my Vim tests. In that environment, I can run gvim
and enter insert mode. When I press alt-space once, nothing
visible happens. Pressing alt-space again yields the following
character inserted into the buffer: Â

Using a unicode decoder, I see this is Unicode code point

Testing in a terminal emulator (KDE Konsole), I run:


then press alt-space. As with other alt keys in this terminal,
alt-space is encoded as an escape character followed by a space
(<Esc><Space> in Vim's notation). In console Vim, this is in
fact what I get when I enter insert mode and press alt-space.

Gvim is a different story, though. I don't really know how keys
are encoded and received by Gvim, other than to say that
pressing alt-space twice causes insertion of the "Â" character
on my system.

Since the original poster shows similar behavior (pressing
alt-space appears to do nothing, but following that keypress
with <F2> causes <80> to be inserted), I suspect alt-space isn't
mapped to anything outside of Gvim in his environment.

Michael Henry

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