Sunday, June 29, 2014

Re: Tabs for indentation, spaces for alignment - possible in vanilla vim?

Hi @Paul,
thanks for the response and the function. I think 'smart tab' plugin achieves the same goal.
I was more thinking: is there a built-in vim-option for this.
But, it seems there isn't.

@ZyX, thanks for the clarification. I though this is relatively trivial problem, but now I get where the complexity lies.

On Saturday, June 28, 2014 11:33:39 PM UTC+2, Bruno Sutic wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment.
> This "idea" is also described here:
> To put it simple:
> - tabs should be used at the beginning of the line
> - spaces should be inserted when after any character in the line
> The article linked above proposes a 'smart tab' plugin to achieve this. Unfortunately, this plugin breaks snipmate plugin which also uses tab.
> So I wonder, is there a way (an option maybe) to achieve this without a plugin?
> I tried `:h 'smarttab'`, but that does something else.
> Thanks

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