Monday, June 30, 2014

Re: vim 7.4: pasting is very slow on HP UX machine.

Am 2014-06-30 03:40, schrieb KKde:
>> Is it faster if you ":set paste" first before pasting? Make sure to
>> turn it off again after you paste.
> Ben - I tried and it's still slower. Thanks.
> Dominique - No it's not faster. Thanks. Version i'm using is
> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Jun 28 2014 14:53:12)
> Compiled by <text removed>
> In my other HP machine it is faster, but the OS version is
> different(HP-UX hpitan4 B.11.23 U ia64)
> I installed vim from
> I'm very grateful if someone can help me resolve the problem. As I
> said I cannot live without vim for coding and code navigation.
> are there any Vim users on HP machine here?

There are a couple of things to check first:

This should give you a hint, if this is a problem with Vim itsself or
plugin or runtime you are using.


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