Monday, June 30, 2014

Re: vim 7.4: pasting is very slow on HP UX machine.

Dominique Pellé wrote:
> Sarath Addanki wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have to use vim on HP-UX machine. Whenever I paste
>> any text with more than one line(or some 60 chars), it
>> completes the operation very slowly. This problem is
>> making vim un usable. Please assist.
>> Following are the details
>> machine details:
>> HP-UX stlhp107 B.11.31 U ia64 3120353525
>> Terminal used is: dtterm
>> Attached is the vim installation details.
>> Please help to troubleshoot. I'm a long term user of vim.
>> Without vim it's difficult to write code for me.
> Is it faster with "vim -X" ?
> In your attached file, we do not see the version of vim
> (first 2 lines of "vim --version").
What, if anything, does

:imap <middlemouse>

show? I'm guessing that you're using the middlemouse to paste.

Chip Campbell

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