Monday, June 23, 2014

Re: way to force vim to do a read (already in 'autoread')

Granted, this is not an optimal solution. But I was saying you could do
something like:

# Starting vim
vim --servername a example.txt
# Starting entr
find . -name "*.txt" | entr -c vim --servername a --remote-send ":bufdo e<cr>"
# Test it
echo "file changed!" > example.txt

- Conner

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 08:39:07AM -0700, Linda A. Walsh wrote:
>Conner McDaniel wrote:
>>You could also pair this with a program like [entr] or [guard] to
>>monitor file changes and update vim remotely.
>> [entr]:
>> [guard]:
>Not sure what you meant by update vim 'remotely'?
>About 50% of the time, the problem I am seeing is that vim will
>update as soon as it sees the 1st change, but since it's the output of
>of a makefile, it isn't done yet -- and vim won't autoupdate
>so I can see the final changes.
>Lately I'm nearly giving up on on vim being able to
>monitor the latest state of a file and just manually
>refreshing it with 'e'.... That's a pain because 'w'
>is right next to it... but it's a short rebuild, fortunately.
>I think I'd end up with similar problems if I used any sort of
>monitoring protocol -- as it will detect early changes -- but
>might not detect an update at file close (?)....
>Thanks for the suggestions...
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