Thursday, August 21, 2014

Re: Matchit plugin doesn't match square brackets

Am 2014-08-20 15:09, schrieb Matteo Riva:
> When using the matchit plugin I can't get the matching to work on
> square brackets, unless I use the :MatchDebug command, then they work
> fine.
> Everything else is working as far as I can tell, and b:match_words
> includes [:]
> Tested both on vim 7.2 and 7.3 (same config and plugins, two different
> debian systems).
> What could be causing this?

My guess is, the plugin is using the values of b:match_words as a
and '[' and ']' needs to be escaped to be a valid pattern.
Therefore try either to use
:let b:match_words='\[:\]'

or as a quick look into matchit.vim reveals,
add '[:]' to the 'matchpairs' option which will be handled by the
plugin automatically (and it escapes those values correctly).


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