Thursday, August 21, 2014

Re: Matchit plugin doesn't match square brackets

joi, 21 august 2014, 13:10:03 UTC+3, Christian Brabandt a scris:
> Am 2014-08-21 12:01, schrieb 'Vanilla Ice' via vim_use:
> > Strange, as % matches [,] even when i start with 'vim -u NONE' (7.4
> > version here).
> That's because the [] pair is in set matchpairs setting by default (:h
> 'mps')
> > It doesn't match in a simple situation though: when you
> > have unbalanced [s in your file. E.g. "[ ] ]" and cursor on last
> > bracket.
> Well, where should it go?
> Best,
> Christian

Yes - i didn't mean it doesn't work as it should - on the contrary :) Just trying to clarify for the OP that 'default' Vim works with [,].

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