Monday, August 4, 2014

Re: ssh and star register?

@Tony Thank you, your test looking at the register list works.

I tried in vimrc:
let @* = 'star'
echo @*
and it returned 'star'
but after vim started, there was no @* in the register list!

Do you know how/why the star register is working before vim is fully started but not after?

This is the updated test for 'clipboard'.
It now works in local terminal and remote ssh.

" .......1.........2.........3..
if has("clipboard")
let @- = @* " save system clipboard
let @* = 'star' | redir @" | silent reg | redir END
if @" =~ '\n"* '
let @* = @- " restore system clipboard
vmap ,y "+y
nmap ,p "+gP
" exclude:{pattern} must be last ^= prepend += append
set clipboard-=autoselect
set clipboard^=unnamed
if has("gui_running") || has("xterm_clipboard")
silent! set clipboard^=unnamedplus
elseif has("macunix")
vmap ,y :write !pbcopy<cr><cr>
" .......1.........2.........3..

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