Sunday, August 31, 2014

Re: Unable to update Vim past ver 7.4.408

On Sunday, August 31, 2014 12:33:21 AM UTC+2, Bob Hyam wrote:
> On Sa> >
> > > Sorry about that, Debian wheezy amd64. No errors seem to occur, it just remains the same version I started with. Does anyone know if this building creates a log file I could go through ? The screen updates pretty quickly so I can't say for sure there are no errors.
> > >
> > > Thanks for answering, Bob H
> >
> > I run the latest 429 on Debian Wheezy as I write.
> >
> > Maybe you have several versions on your system. Did you try:
> > which -a vim
> >
> > Also, did you try to run your locally compiled file, that is in /usr/src/vim/src/ ?
> >
> > What "hg summary" says?
> alpha:/usr/src/vim>root#hg summary
> Not trusting file /usr/src/vim/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user bobh, group users
> Not trusting file /usr/src/vim/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user bobh, group users
> parent: 6142:4c08173b8b95 tip
> Add files missing from 7.4.408.
> branch: default
> commit: 1 modified, 2 unknown
> update: (current)
> BobH

Update field says you have the latest revision checked out and tip is rev 6142, which is not the latest, so "hg pull" must have failed somehow.

Run command manually and look for error messages.

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