Saturday, August 2, 2014

Re: vim function for printing text in to a buffer.

Thanks for the reply, that did the trick,
i was expanding on the program, now i'm
hitting the following issue, when i run
the following program, i'm getting these
errors. and also for the 'fmt' whats the
difference between ' ' and " " ?, for the
first printf at 4, it works only if i use
' '

E116: Invalid arguments for function printf('%s',
E15: Invalid expression: printf('%s',
E116: Invalid arguments for function printf('%s',
E15: Invalid expression: printf('%s',
E116: Invalid arguments for function printf('%s',

1 function! Test()
2 for a in range(1,20)
3 for b in range(1,20)
4 $put=printf('00:00:83:02:%x:%x', a , b)
5 $put=printf('%s', "test")
6 endfor
7 endfor
8 endfunction

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