Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Re: "" fails to redirect to "" for Chrome users

Incidentally, if I may be allowed to chime in...

My own host doesn't allow for a 301 "moved" but it does offer a 302 "redirect" and it works flawlessly.

Here is a good read on it though:

Personally (at least for my own purposes) I feel the bare domain is a matter of convenience, but I prefer to use a full domain (as in, the www prefix) as the canonical url.

When I access my own website, I do not type the "www" I just start with the domain and that autocompletes. Ever since "autocompletion" so to speak I have not really been using any bookmarks for anything regular ;-).

Regards, and good luck with this (I think you should have this redirect, I agree with that) and I hope it can work out.

Andrew Pennebaker schreef op 20-8-2014 om 22:32:

I still have a redirector set up and ready to go.  Point
`` to and it'll work.  There's nothing to say an
apex domain has to be hosted at the same server as `www`.

Good solution!

By the way, from my machine that IP seems to be acting like a pairLite ISP parking site. Maybe my DNS cache is old?


Andrew Pennebaker

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