If I have the first three of the following lines as the only lines in my
regular .vimrc file, executing the test while vim is loaded works fine:
let mapleader = ','
" Test
nnoremap <leader>a :echo("\<leader\> works! It is set to
set backup
set undofile
set backupdir=~/z_save/backup//
set directory=~/z_save/swap//
set undodir=~/z_save/undo//
"Base64 Encode/Decode Macro
vnoremap <leader>64 c<c-r>=system('base64',@")<cr><esc>
vnoremap <leader>64d c<c-r>=system('base64 --decode',@")<cr><esc>
However, if I have all the above lines in ".vimrc_Maildir" and start vim
vim -u ./.vimrc_Maildir
the test does not work! I want to be able to use this alternate .vimrc
file for when I am directly editing email files in the Maildir
directory. Is there a quick explanation for why the test works in one
place and not the other? I tried running
/usr/share/vim/vim74/bugreport.vim in both cases and doing vimdiff on
the outputs and the only thing I could see that seems to be relevant is:
Regular case - bugreport.txt:
n ,a * :echo("\<leader\> works! It is set to ,")<CR>
Alternate case - bugreport.txt:
n <leader>a * :echo("\<leader\> works! It is set to <leader>")<CR>
And if I do:
:let mapleader
in both cases I get:
mapleader ,
Anyone got any idea what is going on?
Philip Rhoades
GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW 2001
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