Monday, September 29, 2014

How to create blue & white color of status bar for input () function?

using Vim 7.4 on Windows 7.

I would like to prompt user to type in the name and then execute s[ubstitute] command to replace USER_NAME with input typed in name.

I stored bellow code in .vimrc file:

function! ReplaceIt()
call inputsave()
let replacement = input('Type in your name and Enter: ')
call inputrestore()
execute '%s/USER_NAME/'.replacement.'/g'
:let mapleader = ","
:nnoremap <leader>r :call RepalceIt()

The above function works excellent. But now the problem is that prompt is not obvious, so user may miss the input question.

Question: How to make input prompt more visible? I would like to make blue background color and white text (the text above "Type in you name and Enter:") for input prompt at the bottom? You know something like if you type in :xxx end Enter you get red background and white color, but I would like to get blue background.


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