Sunday, September 28, 2014

Re: command-line commands instead of abbreviations?

On Sun, Sep 28, 2014, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Sunday, September 28, 2014 1:03:27 AM UTC-5, gevisz wrote:
> > Is it possible to define a command-line command
> > that just inserts some text after the current
> > cursor position and how to do it in an elegant way?
> >
> > For, example, so that typing in normal mode :тл will
> > insert тру-ля-ля after the current position in text.
> >
> > P.S. In my case the command name will always be in
> > cyrillic, so that not to switch the keyboard
> > layout.
> Easy solution: use a :normal! command within your command definition, to insert the text with 'a'.
> E.g. :command тл normal! aтру-ля-ля

That appears to be an invalid command name, as does the capitalized
variant Тл. Perhaps non-Roman scripts aren't supported as command names?

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