Saturday, September 27, 2014

Re: How to insert line numbers with s[ubstitute] command?

Hi Igor!

On Sa, 27 Sep 2014, Igor Forca wrote:

> Hi,
> using Vim 7.4 I have the following text:
> aaa
> bbb
> ccc
> <many more rows>
> and I would like to add some text before each of line and number the line, so end result should look like:
> AAA1BBBaaa
> AAA2BBBbbb
> AAA3BBBccc
> <many more rows>
> I tried doing it with two substitute commands:
> :%s/^/AAA!BBB/g
> First adding some text and adding ! character instead of line number, to get:
> AAA!BBBaaa
> AAA!BBBbbb
> AAA!BBBccc
> And then replace ! with line number:
> :%s/!/\=line('.')/g
> to get final result:
> AA1BBBaaa
> AAA2BBBbbb
> AAA3BBBccc
> How to do above operations with one command?
> I tried with:
> :%s/^/AAA\=line('.')BBB/g
> but got:
> AAA=line('.')BBBaaa
> AAA=line('.')BBBbbb
> AAA=line('.')BBBccc
> So getting text displayed instead of line number. How to get this problem solved with one single command?

You are almost there. The \= needs to be the first char in the
replacement part. So Try this:

:%s/^/\=printf('AAA%dBBB', line('.'))/

Frage an Radio Eriwan:
"Ist es wahr, daß der liebe Gott Parteigenosse werden kann?"
"Im Prinzip ja, nur müsste er vorher aus der Kirche austreten."

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