Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Re: How to make a local option global?

On 2014-09-30, Cesar Romani wrote:
> On 30/09/2014 09:43 a.m., Bee wrote:
> > On Monday, September 29, 2014 7:36:49 PM UTC-7, andalou wrote:
> >> On 28/09/2014 03:26 p.m., Ben Fritz wrote:
> >>> On Sunday, September 28, 2014 10:53:48 AM UTC-5, andalou wrote:
> >> set again: 'set comments+=n:>'
> >>
> >> How can I have the same setting for all files?
> >
> > Add the line to your .vimrc:
> >
> > set comments+=n:>
> >
> But I don't want to modify my .vimrc for only this task.
> Before, I could set 'set comments+=n:>' and it worked fine, but it was
> changed, I don't know why and when!

To find out why and when, the next time you see it mysteriously
change, execute

:verbose set comments?

That will show you where it was last set.


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