Monday, September 29, 2014

Re: How to make a local option global?

On 28/09/2014 03:26 p.m., Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Sunday, September 28, 2014 10:53:48 AM UTC-5, andalou wrote:
>> I'm using vim 7.4.461 on Windows.
>> How can I make an option global for the current session?
>> For example, I notices that comments is set as a local option. How
>> can I make it global when editing a bunch of files?
> You can't. Local options only apply to single buffers/windows.
> But some local options have a "global" value that is used for any new
> buffers. If you use :set instead of :setlocal you will also set the
> global default value.
> Some other options are global-local. Using :set instead of :setlocal
> on these means that unless you override the option with :setlocal, the
> buffer will use the global version.
> Some options have their values set to sensible defaults in a filetype
> plugin.
> If you have more details on what you're trying to do (what kinds of
> files, which options) maybe there is more help. Most likely you want
> to either set up an autocmd to set the option for a certain filetype,
> or you want to use :bufdo, :windo, or :argdo to set an option on every
> file you already have open, or you need to set some default value in
> your .vimrc to use for all new buffers.

Thanks for the answer. I wanted to edit a bunch of files on the same
window and when I set 'set comments+=n:>' on the first file and go to
the next file with ':n', then the previous setting is lost and I have to
set again: 'set comments+=n:>'
How can I have the same setting for all files?

Many thanks in advance,


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