Saturday, September 27, 2014

Re: Patch 7.4.391 why?

Thank you for your help. I also tried a workaround like this.

au WinEnter * call SetCursorLine(1)
au WinLeave * call SetCursorLine(0)
function! SetCursorLine(n)
let &cursorline = a:n
au! CursorMoved
if a:n && &diff && winnr('$') >= 2
au CursorMoved * let &cursorline = diff_hlID('.', 1) != hlID("DiffChange") && diff_hlID('.', 1) != hlID("DiffText")

However, my basic question is this patch is really reasonable or not.
We can still see the highlitings of hlsearch and matchparen even if cursorline in on.
But why DiffChange and DiffText have to be hidden?
It looks incompatible.
I still want to see Diff highlightings in diff mode.

Is it possible to have a new setting option like cursorline's priority?

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