Saturday, October 25, 2014

Re: starting vim with defined options

On 2014-10-25 12:39, Máté Timár wrote:
> I'm a beginner in using vim,

Welcome aboard! We hope you find the adventure both fun and

> How can I launch vim via terminal (I have ubuntu) with my favourite
> options? When I open vim i have to set my favourite options all the
> time (like :colorscheme delek , :imap <TAB> <C-N> and so on ) , and
> it would be nice if I could set these via terminal when I open vim.
> Like: vim option_1 option_2 .... file

It sounds like you want to put these sorts of options in in your
~/.vimrc (or your $HOME/_vimrc on Win32).

You can issue

:help vimrc

and read up on all the useful things you can do there.


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