Friday, October 31, 2014

Re: Trouble using blockwise actions on visual selections in a function/command

Josef Fortier wrote:
> I'm trying to extend a "copy and comment" action (leveraging one of the numerous "smart comment" plugins). I've a simple line-wise command and was trying to extend to it work on a visual selection.
> It looks like vim is set to work linewise (and only linewise) here. Which is not ideal, as rather then commenting a block all at once, I end up with single line comment -> copy repetitions.
> Things I've tried:
> A command with -range. This is meant to work in a blockwise fashion
> A mapping to a function. I have trouble getting the start end end lines. I've tried using `< and `> but these values don't get set (maybe the function is called too soon?).
> It seems like there should be a way to manipulate visual blocks in a function, but it's not clear to me. Can someone offer assistance?
You might find the following plugins helpful:

vis.vim ( :
Performs an arbitrary Ex command on a visual highlighted block
NrrwRgn.vim ( :
Narrow Region plugin for Vim
:he /\%c regexp for restricting match to a specified column
:he /\%l regexp for restricting match to a specified line

Chip Campbell

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