Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Re: vim netrw: ***warning*** this version of netrw needs vim 7.3.465 or later

On 2014-10-14, Charles Campbell wrote:
> ping wrote:
> >I got this message when I copy my .vim into a server running old vim:
> >***warning*** this version of netrw needs vim 7.3.465 or later
> >
> >server vim:
> >VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Jan 31 2011 23:23:08)
> >
> >this is fine. I thought just new feature won't work, but the fact
> >it looks like the whole netrw doesn't work at all - I can't
> >open(:edit .) a folder now.
> >
> >should this behavior of new netrw changed to be more
> >"backward-compatible"?
> >
> The solution for this is to use an older netrw. The newest netrw
> that I have that doesn't require the noswapfile command modifier is
> v148, which I would have attached except that this is an email to the
> group.

The problem is that there is no convenient way (that I know of) to
do that.

For example, if you've installed a local, current copy of Vim in
~/bin or /usr/local/bin and have the latest copy of netrw in ~/.vim,
your Vim will run fine, but trying to use /usr/bin/vim may result
in the reported error message. It would be nice if there was a way
to tell the netrw in ~/.vim to stay out of the way and let Vim use
the netrw in /usr/share/vim.

I've handled this by installing netrw in ~/.vim/netrw and adjusting
'rtp' in my vimrc according to the version I'm running.

A solution that would be easier for most users would be for netrw to
detect the version of Vim it's running on, as it does now, and
simply :finish if the Vim version is too old, allowing :runtime to
possibly find an older version of netrw in 'rtp'.


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