Thursday, November 13, 2014

Keyboard characters mess up every once in a while

Today I had an event happen with my keyboard strokes that's happened various times in the past and I want to stop it from happening. What happens is, I will be performing some normal text editing and all of a sudden I'll notice that some of the keyboard characters that I type become switched with others. For example when I hit the number buttons at the top of my keyboard, they would output symbols in the GVIM window instead of their corresponding number character. Thus, something I did screwed up the mapping. When I go to another application, the keystrokes are correct. If I'm able to save the document and re-open it, the keystrokes are back to normal. This doesn't happen often, but does every few weeks. Something I do, or perhaps some Vim bug is causing this. In fact, it just messed up again just now. Here is what happens when I type something and what actually gets displayed. See attached for diff look. You'll see the x and y characters get switched and the numbers and symbols get switched. I can't pinpoint which initial key event that triggers this.

Character typed:

Character displayed:


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