Friday, November 14, 2014

Re: Fold first paragraph, including its children based on indent

On 11/13/14, <> wrote:
> For note-taking I use vim.
> I would like to keep a convenient overview of my notes with folding.
> Therefor I'm using the fold method "indent".
> However, this method doesn't cover all my needs.
> I would like to be able to fold all indent levels, including the first
> paragraph.
> Unfortunately, it is not possible to fold the first paragraph, see
> screenshot .
> I would love to this made possible.
> I hope someone can help me with this.

The following fold settings will do it:

setl foldmethod=expr
setl foldexpr=FoldexprIndentedOutline(v:lnum)
func! FoldexprIndentedOutline(lnum)
let lev = indent(a:lnum) / &sw + 1
let levn = indent(a:lnum+1) / &sw + 1
return levn>lev ? '>'.lev : lev-1
setl foldtext=FoldtextIndentedOutline()
func! FoldtextIndentedOutline()
return substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '\t', repeat(' ',&sw), 'g')

The substitute() in 'foldtext' is needed when indenting is done with
tabs. Otherwise it can be simply
:setl fdt=getline(v:foldstart)

To also display level and/or the number of hidden lines, append
something like the following to the foldtext string:
.' /'.v:foldlevel.'...'.(v:foldend-v:foldstart)

Various outlining-related plugins are listed here:


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