Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Re: [ANN] Vim for Windows build, contains all 3rd party dependencies

On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Shiny Bling <> wrote:
> There is a newer installer at

Do you have a :version of this anywhere? I've been maintaining a
Windows build for over eight years here: 

But over the last few years, there have been build issues with a
number of the features. Recently, most of these have been fixed, but I
still lack the following:

  -directx -dnd -ebcdic -footer -hangul_input -mzscheme -ole
  -postscript -profile -sniff -sun_workshop -tag_any_white -tcl
  -termresponse -tgetent -xfontset -xim -xpm_w32 -xterm_save

I'm particularly curious if you've solved +mzscheme or +tcl.

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

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