Monday, December 22, 2014

Re: Copy/Paste to vim command line

On 2014-12-22 21:32, Дарио Ѓорѓевски wrote:
> Try using CTRL-R followed by the name of the register (" for the
> unnamed register containing the last yank/delete). See :help
> c_CTRL-R, and :help i_CTRL-R for the Insert-mode equivalent.

And just to be more explicit, in X (which you'd be running in SUSE),
you have the clipboard buffer/register (which you access with
control+C/V/X usually) that you'd paste with control+R followed by
the plus-sign; and you have the selection buffer/register (which you
populate by selecting text and paste with the middle-mouse button)
which you'd access in vim with control+R followed by "*".


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