Saturday, January 31, 2015

Re: Any poets here?

On Sat, 31 Jan 2015, Tim Chase wrote:

> Out-of-the-box, most distributions typically come with "vim.tiny" (I
> think Fedora calls it "vim-tiny") symlinked to the name vi/vim. This
> is a minimal build that gives the core vi experience but doesn't have
> all the bells and whistles offered by the "vim", "vim-full",
> "vim-enhanced", "vim-gtk", "vim-gnome", etc. packages.

That would explain.

It would be pretty natural to assume that there would no longer be any (or
many) other versions of "vi" doing the rounds. I heard mention of some
nvi thing here. Makes no sense really to maintain some primitive older
classic version of vi, would there.

Except that when I invoke vim.tiny on this Kubuntu, it does the arrow keys
correctly :p

Debian the same.

So not sure again. My memory sometimes also starts to fail as to what
exactly has been the experiences of a few hours ago ;-).

But there is no other server that I have accessed where the ABCD output
occurred, so logic demands that it was one of these two ;-).

> On a fresh install, you can check the output of either
> $ vi --version
> or within vi, invoke
> :version

Aye, same output as you. Although I don't have any GUI vim installed.
Never used that, really. No reason to, for me.

Xen, (or Bart) ... ;-). Bye.

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