Thursday, January 29, 2015

Re: dbext 20.0 pgsql cmd_terminator not set to ; for pgsql

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 11:55 AM, martinosis <> wrote:
When I execute a multiple line query under the cursor for a Postgresql query, dbext only picks up the current line.

I order to fix this I have to use to following command each time that i start vim:
:DBSetOption cmd_terminator=;

Is there a way to configure this option in the .vimrc file?

I tried to add it to connection profile without any success.

I have made some recent changes to version 21.0.  This might be addressed in that release which I plan on posting soon.

I will send you a private message with that release and if you test it out we can see the results.



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