Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Re: Double quotes throws off SQL syntax colouring

On 2015-01-28 15:27, Paul wrote:
> I'm editing a file tmp.sql with syntax colouring. The following
> code all turns yellow after the first double quote (actual file
> contains a lot more code). I'm in an environment, where upgrading
> anything is difficult. Is there anything superficial changes I can
> make to prevent this unexpected colour behaviour?
> Field1,
> COUNT(*) AS Field2,
> MIN ( LEN( REPLACE( EEEPppp, "\", "" ) ) ) AS Field3,
> FROM someTable
> etc....

I'd expect that, as I believe just about every SQL engine out
there uses ANSI-standard single-quotes instead of double-quotes. Some
might *permit* double-quoted strings, but it certainly doesn't adhere
to standards, and double-quotes are used in some databases to quote
names of databases/tables/columns.

What SQL engine is this for?


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