Saturday, January 31, 2015

Re: Oh no! Vim eats my text - Naughty Vim. [Was: Any poets here?]

> I have a better idea: Howsabout you leave off here and go troll some other
> mailing list?

I am not trolling, my friend. Or enemy, whatever ;-).

In case you didn't know, trolling is the conscious intent of annoying people
for no good purpose.

In case you also didn't know, 90% of the time that people call "troll!!" they
are vastly mistaken about the person's intentions.

> *plonk*

Point proven.

Oh, and why would you want me to go "trolling" some *other* or (OTHER)
mailinglist? You would seek to hurt other people just to escape from it
yourself? Feeling like a victim, perhaps? :P :P :P.

Alright, I guess that could be seen as an attempt of trolling lol.

You want me to do it, hey, I'm not too bad.

Bram didn't feel like a victim. He just offered a suggestion and left it
at that.

In any case, if you want an answer to that question.

I am :p.


It is not like I have chosen you as the sole person (or people) to feel
miserable with ;-).

But if you really wanted to get me to back off, you would have said
something like "I understand your sentiment, but please understand that we
are not here exactly to listen to complete life stories, if that is what
you are intending to do. Please notice that we are here for regular
support requests and the like, and leave it at that."

And then the 'trolling' nature of it would dissipate, and the meaningful
things would remain.

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