Thursday, January 22, 2015

Re: Problem with AutoAlign

Cesar Romani wrote:
> I'm using vim 7.4.589 on Windows 7.
> I'm editing an html file and type '()' (without quotes)
> then go back one place and try to type 'a=' (without quotes), then I get
> immediately after the closing parenthesis!
> I have to go back one place to continue to type after '='
> I discovered that the cause of it is the imap:
> ino <silent> = =<c-r>=AutoAlign(1)<cr>
> on AutoAlign.vim (v15a)
> If I do 'iunmap =' I don't get this problem.
> Many thanks in advance,

Using C, the cursor is left after the = sign. The
ftplugin/html/AutoAlign.vim doesn't have any maps to handle '=', so I
don't see why it'd be involved. Did you modify the distributed
ftplugin/html/AutoAlign.vim file?

Ex. using C
(); (then perform <esc>0ib=<esc>)

this yields
a = 1234;
b = ();

with the cursor immediately following the "b =".

Using "iunmap =" prevents the problem essentially by de-activating
AutoAlign, so its not particularly surprising that you are no longer
experiencing your issue.

Chip Campbell

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