Friday, January 30, 2015

Re: set showcmd does not work properly in gui mode

On Friday, January 30, 2015 at 2:43:21 PM UTC-6, José García Juanino wrote:
> My .vimrc:
> $ cat $HOME/.vimrc
> set showcmd
> There is no $HOME/.gvimrc file nor $HOME/.vim directory.
> When I open a file in a xterm terminal, the "set showcmd" works as expected: when I select a block is visual mode, at the bottom of the screen the height and width of the block is shown, in the form <heigth>x<width>:
> But when I use the gui, the block dimension height and height does not appear:
> Do you think is a bug or am I misunderstanding something?
> Regards

Do a ":verbose set showcmd?" to see what the current setting is, and where it was set from. It's possible something has overwritten your desired setting somehow.

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