Friday, January 30, 2015

Re: vim too complicated? or too powerful?

On 2015-01-31 02:45, Sven Guckes wrote:
> you could add these dialogs to vim - but there is a
> reason why it hasnt been added. one of these is
> the consistency with its ancestor "vi" - and another
> one is that it should work on terminals as well.

Not only could you add these dialogs to vim, they already exist
there ;-)

:help :promptfind
:help :promptrepl

Okay, I believe they only work in gvim, but I'd suspect that a person
having trouble with vim may also display a disinclination to use the
command prompt and thus is using gvim instead of console vim.

>> I still don't know or remember how to do window editing.
> it is not the program's task to make remember everything.
> that's *your* task. besides, there's ":help". a lot of it!

And if only gvim offered some sort of menu to expose all manner of
functionality so you didn't have to remember it. Oh. Wait. It
does that too. :-)

>> The whole prospect of having to copy text from one
>> file to another with Vim makes me feel miserable
>> and wish I had a regular editor.
> a *regular* editor? well, the text editor
> compendium lists 200+ of them. use one!

Ah, you (kouzennoki/Xen) must be talking about ed(1), the standard
editor[1]. Copying text between files using ed(1) is far more

As Sven mentions, vim gives you 26+ named registers into which you can
stash text, and paste that content into any additional file you have.
Moving text around in vim is actually far easier than in any other
editor I've used.



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